South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity

SEQ First Nations Health Equity Workforce Strategy 2023-2031
The development of the Workforce Strategy is a deliverable under the SEQ FNHE Strategy: Key Result Area (KRA) 6 – A Strong and Capable Workforce.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity PERFORMANCE REPORT 2024
The Performance Report is continually monitored and progress against indicators and targets reported every two years.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity STRATEGY 2024
The Strategy 2021-31 aims to accelerate the pace of health system reform in South East Queensland to close the health gap between First Nations people and non-Indigenous people by 2031. This is the most up to date version of the Strategy.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT 2024
The Statement of Commitment was re-signed in 2024 to include the Brisbane North PHN, Brisbane South PHN, Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, Gold Coast PHN and Queensland Ambulance Service.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity CONFERENCE SUMMARY 2023
The Summary provides a snapchat of the conference with key information and takeaways.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity CONFERENCE OUTCOME REPORT 2023
Attended by 274 participants, the conference drew participation from board members, executives and operational staff from SEQFNHE partner organisations.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity CONFERENCE VIDEO 2023
Recap of last year's South East Queensland Health Equity In Action Conference hosted at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre for 274 participants.
Watch now
SEQ First Nations Health Equity CONFERENCE OUTCOME REPORT 2022
The 2022 conference showcased effective service delivery, workforce development and research partnerships to share knowledge and learnings across the region, and to promote replication and scale up of priorities identified in the SEQFNHE Strategy.
SEQ First Nations Health Equity STRATEGY 2021
The original South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Strategy. This document is reviewed every three years.

We honour the many Goori Tribal Nations whose territories we work across within South East Queensland. We honour the legacy and the vision of the Elders who paved the way and those who continue to guide. We honour the future generations by maintaining their vision with focused determination.