About Us

South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity is a collaboration of key partners across the South East Queensland health system to address the health inequities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our region. It brings together South East Queensland’s Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (CCHSs), Primary Health Networks (PHNs), Hospital and Health Services (HHSs), the Mater, and the Queensland Ambulance Service to collaborate on a systems-focused and networked approach to achieving health system reform in South East Queensland in order to close the health gap between First Nations people and other Queenslanders by 2031.

Underpinned by the Statement of Commitment and delivered through a 10 year South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Strategy, partners work together to drive regional level reforms that improve access to health services and improve health and wellbeing outcomes for First Nations people of South East Queensland.

This website has been developed to provide background information and resources for partners, health services and community around the Strategy and actions.

Improved access to and experience of health services 
First Nations people experience the same health outcomes as other Australians in our region
A culturally safe healthy system free of institutional and interpersonal racism

The South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Strategy can only be effective when multiple agencies work together with a shared goal. We are proud to unite a range of health partners to deliver the South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity mission.

We have agreed to work together as a health system to identify opportunities for reform, connect services, overcome access barriers and collaboratively oversee the implementation of the South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Strategy.


ATSICHS Brisbane

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Brisbane North PHN

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Brisbane South PHN

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Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

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Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

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Gold Coast Health

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Gold Coast PHN

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Institute for Urban Indigenous Health

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Mater Misericordiae Ltd

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Metro North Health

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Metro South Health

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Queensland Ambulance Service

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West Moreton Health

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The South East Queensland region has one of the largest and fastest growing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations in Australia with around 40% of Queensland’s First Nations population living in this region.

‘Health Equity’ is ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the same health outcomes as non-Indigenous Australians. This means that we are striving to ensure First Nations people receive the right care at the right time, in the right place and in a culturally safe way, to ensure they have the best opportunity to live long healthy lives.

Through a joint approach to a cooperative governance partnership, which places the region’s First Nations families and communities at the centre of health care, we will work together – across the health system, with First Nations communities and with other providers of health and social support services – to close the health gap in South East Queensland through an accessible, culturally safe, health system.

Our promise to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of South East Queensland is articulated in a Statement of Commitment, which is jointly signed by all partnership organisations. This commitment to the First Nations people of South East Queensland gives effect to both the Queensland Government’s First Nations Health Equity Agenda and the National Agreement on Closing the Gap which has been signed by all governments.

From this commitment, the South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Strategy was developed to build upon service delivery partnerships that are already working in this region to make the health system more accessible, more connected and more responsive. It aims to strengthen targeted services and programs for First Nations people, to enhance the role of the Community Controlled Health Services sector within the health system and to improve the cultural safety of services delivered by Hospital and Health Services, including through action to eliminate institutional racism.

The South East Queensland First Nations Health Equity Governance Committee was established to oversee efforts to achieve health equity in the region by 2031.